Geratal, 13. April 2022. The Management Board of Geratherm Medical AG, Geratal (ISIN: DE0005495626) today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the Company's issued share capital from EUR 4,949,990.00 by issuing 494,999 new no-par value bearer shares (this corresponds to 10.0% of the current issued share capital) at an issue amount of EUR 8.50 per new share, i.e., at a total issue amount of EUR 4,207,491.50, against cash contributions by partially utilizing the existing authorized capital under exclusion of the existing shareholders' subscription rights. The issue amount corresponds to a premium of 13.33% on the stock market price (closing price EUR 7.50).
The capital increase has already been fully subscribed by the investor JotWe GmbH, Steinbach am Wald. The investor also intends to support the Company in connection with a planned downlisting to the Scale segment. Thus, the investor intends to submit a delisting takeover offer for purposes of revoking the admission of the shares of Geratherm Medical AG for trading in the Regulated Market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (so-called “Delisting”). With the approval of the Supervisory Board and in coordination with its major shareholder GMF Capital GmbH, the Management Board resolved today to strive for a delisting during the current business year. In the opinion of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, the listing on the regulated market with the associated costs and complexities is not suitable for the Company in its current structure and orientation. The Management Board and Supervisory Board therefore welcome the submission of the delisting takeover offer. With the intended future listing in the Scale segment - the stock market segment for medium sized companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange - stock market trading will continue to be guaranteed for shareholders.
In the context of the above mentioned actions, the date for the annual general meeting will be postponed to 26 August 2022